Sunday, September 30, 2007

Incentives or policies to reduce the use of Plastic Bags

The other day I was doing my grocery shopping on my local supermarket. At the register, there were for sale reusable bags for $99 cents. I thought this would be a great idea to buy a few bags and bring them back to the store in my next visit. But how many of us will carry those all the time so we can use them the next time we have to buy? it is something that we have to start using and get use to carry them in the trunk. After reading an article in the NY Times, I learned about some policies adopted to reduce the use of plastic bags, here are a few of them:
  • shops that offers reusable bags
  • raffles for free food or gifts certificates for people who bring their own reusable bags
  • San Francisco banned the use of petroleum-based plastic bags in large supermarkets and pharmacies
  • In Ireland, the government taxed plastics bags in 2001, consumption fell by 90%
  • IKEA is charging plastics bags and is selling huge reusable bags, excellent to carry heavy stuff and groceries for the home

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